Brisbane IBCLC Lactation Consultants & Breastfeeding Specialists.

Compassionate & Evidence-Based Help to Reach your Breastfeeding Potential

Our highly skilled & passionate IBCLC Lactation Consultants & Paediatric Speech Pathologists (dedicated to infant feeding) have decades of experience in Brisbane’s paediatric hospitals and neonatal units where we assist mothers and babies with everyday breastfeeding challenges, through to the most complex of feeding obstacles.

We’ve now opened our clinic for Brisbane & Queensland families and we’d love to support you to reach your breastfeeding goals. Our Lactation Consultants & Paediatric Speech Pathologists can provide breastfeeding support for a broad range of breastfeeding problems, whether common or more complex or unique.

Our team members are regularly educating & training doctors, paediatric & child health nurses, and allied health professionals Queensland-wide in infant feeding, so you will have access to trusted breastfeeding professionals and the most up-to-date evidence to optimise your breastfeeding journey - whatever that looks like for your family.

Appointments are available in our fully-equipped and welcoming Paddington clinic, where free and easy parking is available. Urgent appointments and home visits are also available. Please contact us to discuss your needs, or book online via our quick and simple booking form.

Experienced in Supporting Breastfeeding for Well Babies & those with Medical Conditions

Some babies & mothers may have medical conditions that can affect breastfeeding. Our experienced Lactation Consultants have the knowledge and skills to work with you and your baby's healthcare team to develop a personalised breastfeeding plan that addresses your specific needs. Our Lactation Consultants & Paediatric Speech Pathologists all currently also work in Brisbane’s major children’s hospitals and neonatal units where we have the privilege of supporting babies with the most complex of medical and surgical conditions. Whether you and your baby are well, but experiencing common breastfeeding problems, or you are facing additional medical complexities, we’d love to support you in your breastfeeding journey.

Help for Common Breastfeeding Challenges.

  • Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful. Our Lactation Consultants can help you achieve an optimal latch for effective and comfortable breastfeeding.

  • Are you struggling with low supply? Our knowledgable Lactation Consultants offer advice and support for mothers experiencing challenges with milk production, including recommendations for increasing and maintaining supply.

  • There are a number of factors that can contribute to delayed milk production. Our Lactation Consultants can assist if your milk has been slow to come in after birth.

  • Engorgement and oversupply can result in breastfeeding challenges for both mums and babies. QLFS Lactation Consultants can provide strategies for relieving breast engorgement, safely regulating milk supply, and preventing complications like mastitis.

  • Painful, cracked, bleeding or damaged nipples can make breastfeeding unbearable. Our highly experienced Lactation Consultants aim to identify the causes of nipple pain and offer solutions, such as adjusting the latch and how best to heal any damage.

  • Mastitis typically presents as red, hot, painful and hard areas of breast tissue and can be associated with flu-like symptoms. QLFS expert Lactation Consultants can help you determine whether you are experiencing infective or non-infective mastitis and offer guidance on treatment and prevention of recurrence.

  • Do you experience sore, lumpy, hard areas of breast tissue that are difficult to drain? As experienced Lactation Consultants, we can assess potential causes for localised breast inflammation (commonly referred to as ‘blocked ducts’) and offer advice for treatment and prevention.

  • Is your baby a fussy feeder? They might cry, frequently pull on and off the breast, or seem unsettled after feeds. Our Lactation Consultants will work with you to try and identify the cause of fussy feeding behaviours and develop a plan for more settled feed times.

  • We can help you trial various breastfeeding positions to find the most comfortable and effective one for both you and your baby.

  • Our Lactation Consultants can assess if your baby is gaining weight appropriately, identify possible reasons for slow weight gain, and provide practical feeding guidance for optimising growth.

    If needed, our breastfeeding-friendly Specialist Infant Dietitian can offer additional recommendations.

  • Our Lactation Consultants and Breastfeeding Specialists will thoroughly assess the structure and function of your baby’s mouth - including any tongue, lip or other oral ties - and give unbiased guidance on appropriate intervention.

  • Our expert Lactation Consultants can provide information on pumping techniques, storage of breast milk, transitioning from pumping to more direct breastfeeding, or maintaining a sustainable long term expressing routine.

  • As experts in complex breastfeeding problems, our Lactation Consultants can advise you on the proper use of breastfeeding aids, help troubleshoot any issues, and assist you to wean from these when appropriate.

  • Are you returning to work soon and wondering how you will feed your baby or manage your milk supply and pumping? Our highly experienced Lactation Consultants can help you plan your return to work strategy for pumping, feeding, storing and using expressed milk, and navigating the changes for you and your baby.

  • Are you experiencing the physical and emotional challenges of a baby who is suddenly refusing to feed? QLFS Lactation Consultants can help identify the cause of nursing strikes or refusal and provide practical strategies to overcome these challenges.

  • Our experienced Lactation Consultants can support your goals around supplementing and mixed feeds, whatever they are and for whatever reason.

  • Are you needing or wanting to wean from breastfeeding? Our expert Lactation Consultants offer guidance on options for weaning when the time is right for you and your child.

We of course also provide Antenatal Feeding Consultations to address any concerns, questions or special circumstances you may be facing - or just to give you practical and helpful information to help you succeed at breastfeeding once your baby is born.

Help for Complex & Unique Breastfeeding Challenges.

  • WE KNOW TWINS! Both Susie and Karrie successfully breastfed twin boys for 2+ years after overcoming initial challenges. We can arm you with practical advice to feed & grow your babies in a way that meets your family’s goals and needs.

  • We have decades of experience helping premature and low birth weight babies to establish breastfeeding.

  • We can provide expert and practical advice to prepare for your expressing and breastfeeding journey when you have a baby with complex medical or surgical needs. See further information below.

  • We offer advice around supply, breastfeeding and medications where the feeding parent has a medical condition.

  • We provide guidance on tandem feeding for mothers who are breastfeeding multiple children.

  • We provide support and guidance on relactation techniques for mothers who have stopped breastfeeding and want to restart.

  • We assist adoptive or non-birthing parents to induce lactation.

  • We can assess your baby’s potential for breastfeeding and provide guidance on expressing, breastfeeding aids and alternate feeding as needed.

  • We can help you determine whether previous breast or thoracic surgery may be impacting breastfeeding, and options for management.

  • We will listen and support you if you are experiencing these common postnatal challenges. We can also refer you for further support if needed.

  • If your family has suffered (or is anticipating) the heartbreak of losing a baby during pregnancy or infancy... we are so sorry. It would be a privilege to support you through the changes and options that come with Lactation After Infant Loss via a free consultation.

    A 30 minute Telehealth consultation can be requested here.

  • Through our decades of work, we have encountered many different scenarios and challenges than can affect breastfeeding - probably including the challenges you are facing. See one of our specialists for judgement-free support and guidance today.

We are regularly assisting babies with a wide variety of medical conditions. These include (but aren’t limited to):

Airway Conditions: Laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia, tracheo-oesophageal fistula, vocal cord palsy.

Tracheostomy: Ventilated and non-ventilated.

Craniofacial Conditions: Cleft lip, cleft palate, Pierre Robin sequence, complex facial clefts, other conditions affecting the skull and face.

Respiratory Conditions: Apnoea, meconium aspiration, respiratory distress, transient tachypnoea, PPHN, lung conditions, cystic fibrosis, CNLD, other conditions requiring oxygen support.

Cardiac Conditions: VSD, PDA, coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, TGA, TOF, HLHS, pulmonary atresia, vascular rings, cardiomyopathy.

Gastrointestinal Conditions: Oesophageal atresia, tracheo-oesophageal fistula, pyloric stenosis, reflux/GORD, diaphragmatic hernia, gastroschisis.

Neurological Conditions: Hypoxic or traumatic brain injury, perinatal stroke, progressive neurological conditions, spinal muscular atrophy, seizure disorders, CCHS.

Genetic Conditions: Trisomy 21 / Down syndrome, 22q11 deletion, Rett syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, and other conditions.

Metabolic Conditions: including inborn errors of metabolism.

Life Limiting Conditions: including rare conditions resulting in complex medical needs.