Brisbane Paediatric Dietitians.

Supporting your Child’s Nutrition Journey: Growth, Nutrition, Allergy & Tube Feeding.

QLFS is proud to offer a team of highly skilled Paediatric Dietitians in Brisbane. With decades of experience working across local Brisbane & international hospitals and health centres, our Dietitians are passionate about supporting your child’s growth & development through personalised nutrition plans.

Our Paediatric Dietitians can provide assessment & management for a broad range of scenarios, including infant feeding, growth & allergy and nutrition and growth support for children & teens - whether eating or alternative (NG/PEG) feeding. We are very experienced in helping babies and children with a wide variety of medical conditions.

We Help Babies & Children with a Range of Nutritional Needs

Nutrition & Growth:

We can address any concerns you may have about your baby or child’s weight, height or potential nutritional deficiencies. Our Paediatric Dietitians will help you to optimise your child’s nutrition for growth & development.

Allergies & Intolerances:

Our Paediatric Dietitians can develop safe and effective feeding plans to manage allergies & intolerances (eg, cow’s milk protein intolerance/allergy, specific food allergies, FPIES etc) ensuring your child receives the nutrition they need to grow and thrive.

Specialised Feeding:

We have extensive experience supporting babies and children who require alternative feeding methods such as NG (nasogastric) or PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) tubes, developing personalised plans for optimal nutrition and feed tolerance. We can also provide guidance with blended diets.

Tube Weaning:

If your infant/child is dependent on a feeding tube that is no longer medically necessary, our team can offer solutions for weaning.

Brisbane Paediatric Dietitian.  Dietitian for Infants.  Dietitian for Children.  Paediatric Dietitian Brisbane.

Nutrition for Infants & Allergy.

  • Some infants and children have challenges in achieving adequate weight and length/height growth. This can be highly stressful for families and caregivers. As specialist Paediatric Dietitians, we can help support your family during this time by providing a range of evidence-based nutrition interventions in order to support your family’s feeding goals - whether it be continued breastfeeding, mixed feeding or bottle feeding.

  • Learning to eat and exploring foods can be an enjoyable milestone for infants and parents alike. Sometimes, however, establishing solids may not proceed as smoothly as hoped. A Paediatric Dietitian specialising in babies can help to support you and your infant on this journey to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients for growth and development, whilst they develop their feeding skills to manage a broad range of foods.

  • Food allergies have increased significantly in recent years. Witnessing your baby experiencing a reaction to a food can be very challenging for parents. It can often leave you feeling very overwhelmed and unsure what foods are ok to eat (for breastfeeding mothers) and what foods are safe to introduce to your baby. As Paediatric Dietitians specialising in Allergy, we can help you through these difficult situations, helping to navigate this tricky time, whilst ensuring that your infant receives all the nutrition required to grow and develop.

  • Sometimes specific nutritional deficiencies can arise either because of a medical condition (eg prematurity), or due to difficulties achieving an adequate dietary intake. Our Paediatric Dietitians can support you to explore a range of food alternatives to resolve these nutritional deficiencies.

  • Infants can experience a range of gastrointestinal discomforts including constipation and reflux. These conditions can significantly impact the amount a baby will consume, which can lead to longer term challenges with feeding and growth. Our specialist Paediatric Dietitians can provide several evidence-based strategies to help reduce these symptoms and help make feed times more positive.

  • Sometimes infants are unable to consume all the nutrition they require due to a medical condition or oral aversion. As specialist Paediatric Dietitians, we can support you and your infant during this journey, to ensure that your infant receives all the nutrition required for growth and development. If your infant/child is dependent on a feeding tube that is no longer medically necessary, our team can offer solutions for weaning.

  • We can tailor small group workshops or individual tutorials to suit professional learning goals.

    QLFS also offers Education Days - register your interest to attend.

Nutrition for Children & Teens.

Paediatric Dietitian.  Fussy eater.
  • Managing growth challenges is a stressful experience for families. As experts in growth assessment and nutrient analysis, our specialist Paediatric Dietitians can guide you through this tricky time using effective evidence-based interventions.

  • Our specialist Paediatric Dietitians will conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand your child’s eating habits, nutritional intake, and any underlying factors contributing to their fussiness.

  • Our Paediatric Dietetic services encompass comprehensive management of various enteral access devices, including nasogastric, gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes. We also offer support to those wishing to explore the use of blended diets.

  • If your infant/child is dependent on a feeding tube that is no longer medically necessary, our specialist feeding team can offer solutions for weaning.

  • Talk to us about your individual or team professional learning needs.

    Or register your interest in QLFS Education Days.

We are regularly assisting babies & children with a wide variety of medical conditions. These include (but aren’t limited to):

Airway Conditions: Laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia, tracheo-oesophageal fistula, vocal cord palsy.

Tracheostomy: Ventilated and non-ventilated.

Craniofacial Conditions: Cleft lip, cleft palate, Pierre Robin sequence, complex facial clefts, other conditions affecting the skull and face.

Respiratory Conditions: Apnoea, meconium aspiration, respiratory distress, transient tachypnoea, PPHN, lung conditions, cystic fibrosis, CNLD, other conditions requiring oxygen support.

Cardiac Conditions: VSD, PDA, coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, TGA, TOF, HLHS, pulmonary atresia, vascular rings, cardiomyopathy.

Gastrointestinal Conditions: Oesophageal atresia, tracheo-oesophageal fistula, pyloric stenosis, reflux/GORD, diaphragmatic hernia, gastroschisis.

Neurological Conditions: Hypoxic or traumatic brain injury, perinatal stroke, progressive neurological conditions, spinal muscular atrophy, seizure disorders, CCHS.

Genetic Conditions: Trisomy 21 / Down syndrome, 22q11 deletion, Rett syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, and other conditions.

Metabolic Conditions: including inborn errors of metabolism.

Life Limiting Conditions: including rare conditions resulting in complex medical needs.