Tube Weaning.

At QLFS, we understand that tube feeding (NG or button/PEG) can be medically necessary. We understand that infants and children can also become dependent on tube feeds, even when the medical necessity has passed.

We also understand that:

  • a proactive approach is usually required for a tube-dependent infant or child to establish oral feeding

  • even infants and children without any prior oral feeding experience can have the potential to wean

  • complex medical & surgical histories do not necessarily preclude the option of tube weaning

Tube weaning should be simple, local, accessible and affordable.

We understand that, with professional & experienced guidance, parents are capable and key players in the tube weaning process, and that it can often occur at home without expensive and inconvenient hospital admissions or intensive therapies.

We understand that many tube-fed infants and children are capable of establishing full oral feeds, while others will require some level of ongoing tube feeds for a variety of reasons. We believe in helping each child reach their individual potential for oral feeding.

Register your interest in tube weaning with the QLFS team via this form.